All images and videos are produced by the U.S. Department of State and its local programming partners, and are free to use and distribute without modification. Contact us for inquiries, photos, and interview opportunities.
My opinion of sports has changed a lot while I was here in Boston. I believe that sports are a bridge because you meet new people in the games or the activities that you do, you discover new points of views that you did not know before, and you learn so many things that will help you build your future.
Sports Visitor Participant, Youth ESL & STEM
2020 Belgium Sports Visitor Program: Adaptive Martial Arts and Empowering At-Risk Youth
SPORTS VISITORS PROGRAM | Indonesia Reverse Exchange 2019
SPORTS VISITOR PROGRAM | Julie Foudy Camp 2019
SPORTS VISITOR PROGRAM | Youth Soccer & English as a Second Language Camp 2019
2019 Sports Visitor Program | Youth Wheelchair Basketball
All images and videos are produced by the U.S. Department of State and its local programming partners, and are free to use and distribute without modification. Contact us for inquiries, photos, and interview opportunities.